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one home to another

I feel a sense of responsibility and urgency to write about the immigrant and refugee experience, especially with all that we are seeing in the news. For some of you, this may mean a continued exploration of knowing yourselves and living authentically (as discussed in...

being real and connecting

“Be yourself so that people that are looking for you can find you.” – Arlan Hamilton I chose It’s About Damn Time for the Peacemaker’s Book Club because when I read it this summer I was taken by Arlan’s humble confidence. Through her stories, she...

seeing things differently

I chose Last Stop on Market Street* to kick off the Peacemaker’s Book Club because as a mother I have learned (or re-learned) that children’s books can be as meaningful and insightful for adults as they are for children. Reading with my kids at bedtime is something I...

seeing our connections

We visited the Philippines for the summer every five years starting when I was three years old. I didn’t have any cousins in the U.S. (until about age 10), while I had dozens of cousins in the Philippines. To give you an idea, my mom’s two sisters had 20 children...